Tuesday 4 September 2012

Creative Creature

Today I’m introducing you to an animal discovered two years ago in Costa Rica's dense rainforest. Say hello to the ‘Cripnin’.
The cripnin has staggeringly long ears which are as floppy as pancakes and two bulging brown eyes.  Cripnins have brown, stretchy, spotty flaps of skin webbed in between their skinny arms and body. They fly using the skin and catch their prey by gliding out of a tree and licking up prey using their big tongue.
A cripnin’s diet consists of podincadinks which are little four legged animals that scuttle around on the forest floor.
Cripnins are now extremely rare with only sixty two left in the wild due to a dramatic decrease in their prey, the podincadinks.
Weird Facts
*They are 1.5 meters long. (BIG). *There is only one cripnin every 500 sq. km.  * Their ears are a    whooping three times longer than their heads.* They have no bones in all of their body.* They lay their eggs in small ponds.* The cripnin is equipped with samurai claws which it accidently cuts itself with.
Due to an incredibly small brain the cripnin is so stupid their only main predators are themselves              because they fall out of trees and die, usually when they're sleeping. All they do when they’re not hunting is lounge around in their tree. They sit in trees acting dead.
Life Cycle
Cripnin start off as a rectangular egg in the water and then hatch. They automatically swim to the edge  of the water where their mother is waiting for the ugly baby on the bank. The baby cripnins spend two  months on their mothers hunched up backs. After that they become capable of climbing and walking on their own. They’re yet to grow their wings so for now they munch on small ripe ocashia leaves to feed their tiny bodies. After two months they are capable of living on their own. When they hit the age of 37 cripnin years exactly they drop dead. They just simply drop dead due their heart stopping.
The estimated time until the cripnin is wiped of the face of the Earth is 95 years, or the year 2107 due to habitat loss and an  incredibly small brain.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome story i like your dopple me and your whole blog it is totally WICKED.
